
From sauces to syrups to seasonings, if you can eat it, we’ll prep it, cook it, bottle it, label it and ship it wherever you want so your product arrives on time. And we keep a tight lid on your recipe too — all recipes are kept in strict confidence.
From small orders to 300-gallon totes, we can scale any recipe to perfection. Plus, we can accommodate any variety shipper you need. For dry mixes, we have a wide variety of containers, from bags to bottles to boxes. We can mix, blend, and pack to your specifications, or simply bottle spices that you’ve already blended.
Whether you’re a big time producer in need of a supplemental facility, or a small entrepreneur with a fantastic recipe, Bobbees Bottling offers service that blows the lid off other bottlers. Ordering ingredients, mixing, chopping, cooking, testing, bottling, coding, and shipping — we handle it all. Once you see how easy it is to do business with Bobbees, you’ll know why we’ve had a hard time keeping ourselves contained!
Interested in working with us? Check out our contact info and click or call today!
Our Capabilities
Recipe scaling
Product development
Portion cup packaging
Mini bottle production
Glass & Plastic
Cold & Hot Fill
Shrink band safety seal
Multi-unit shrinking
Crates & packaging containers
Special project labeling
Volume shipping to multiple locations in & out of US